Today the U.S. Senate rejected the continuation of the shark fin trade by passing the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act (SFSEA) as part of a broader legislative package, the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, S. 1260. This victory for sharks is overdue, as the international fin trade is forcing many of these apex species toward extinction.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
Fewer than 400 North Atlantic right whales remain on our planet; fins from 73 million sharks are traded every year; warming waters render habitats increasingly unlivable for animals once at home there. Clearly, the status quo for the animals of our oceans urgently needs to change.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
A beautiful story came out over the weekend in the Washington Post about an 11-year-old beagle named Hammy. Adopted in 2013 after living in a research laboratory for his first four years of life, Hammy became the beloved pup of journalist Melanie D.G. Kaplan.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
Update 6/2/2021: The split sample test has confirmed that Kentucky Derby champion Medina Spirit had betamethasone in his system, according to the New York Times.
So far, the 2021 Triple Crown season has produced astonishing proof of how badly horse racing needs further regulation to ensure that horses aren’t being routinely and illegally drugged.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
Gray wolves used to thrive in most states in the U.S. and across Europe. Because of trophy hunting and habitat loss, wolves were extirpated from most states in the U.S. until the 1970s, when gray wolves were listed as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act, giving them federal protections against being hunted.
Justice found Jeff Lowe at his “Tiger King Zoo” in Thackerville, Oklahoma on Monday. That’s when the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) confiscated 68 lions, tigers, lion-tiger hybrids and a jaguar from the property.
Every year is an election year—and every election has profound implications for the animal protection movement. That’s why our team at the Humane Society Legislative Fund meticulously evaluates every candidate before we announce an endorsement.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block