By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
If you’ve been online at all in the past week, chances are you’ve seen the footage of an alarmed off-duty police officer pointing a gun at an approaching tiger in a sleepy residential neighborhood in Houston.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
If you’ve been online at all in the past week, chances are you’ve seen the footage of an alarmed off-duty police officer pointing a gun at an approaching tiger in a sleepy residential neighborhood in Houston.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
Today, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee approved two important pieces of marine wildlife legislation, paving the way for full Senate action on them. The committee unanimously passed the Marine Mammal Research and Response Act, S. 1289, and passed the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act as part of a larger legislative package.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
The U.S. Department of Agriculture secretly implemented a new procedure in 2019 to skirt its responsibility to animals at some research laboratories, documents obtained by Harvard Law School’s Animal Law and Policy Clinic and covered in Science Magazine, reveal.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
What dog lovers don’t know about where their beloved puppies come from can hurt them. When puppies are born to emaciated, sick or injured dogs in cramped and dirty wire cages, the physical and mental toll can extend throughout their lives, impacting their behavior and wellbeing while causing heartache and heavy expenses for those who love them. And of course, for the mother dogs who are left to live and be bred in such squalid, neglectful conditions, the suffering doesn’t stop.
Just in time for World Migratory Bird Day this Saturday, there is good news for birds.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
Almost half the U.S. Senate has called for swift action to end the indefensible practice known as horse soring—in which scofflaw trainers of Tennessee Walking horses and related breeds torment horses to get them to fling their front legs high, just to win a cheap blue ribbon in a show ring.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
The New Yorker broke a story yesterday about the head of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, attempting to kill an endangered elephant in Botswana. The newly released footage exemplifies the blithe depravity of trophy hunting.
By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block
We all know what dogs love: a comfortable napping spot, a romp in the grass, a kind touch and the safety and security of a caring environment. But thousands of dogs in commercial breeding operations licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to sell to pet stores and online have none of these comforts.