Welcome to the online media center of the Humane Society Legislative Fund. The public relations department is available to assist reporters with stories and to facilitate interviews with HSLF spokespeople. Media contact information can be found at the bottom of each press release.

Press Release   /  

Pork producers, elected officials and animal advocates work together to save state ag laws and free markets

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House Farm Bill’s race to the bottom of the (pork) barrel

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The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund petition FDA to revise outdated drug testing regulations

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Indiana's 2024 Legislative Session failed dogs and wildlife

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New CDC regulation will disrupt international animal rescue efforts and families returning to the US with pets

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USDA moves to end the cruel “Big Lick” for horses

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HSLF rejects Kristi Noem’s cynical account of killing her family dog

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Report of Governor Noem’s animal cruelty unsettling

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The Humane Society of the United States urges the horse racing industry to embrace protective measures for horse safety

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Nix the Prop 12 “Fix”

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