Americans from all backgrounds oppose the proposed Prop 12 "fix" and the EATS Act, or anything like it. For many years, we’ve successfully made the case against extreme confinement methods in industrial agribusiness as both cruel to animals and dangerous to human health. We built support for California’s landmark ballot measure, Proposition 12, and defended the law in the courts. Advocates made the same case in other states that passed laws to reform and eliminate these inhumane practices. The public agrees with animal welfare and public health advocates: a 2022 poll found that 80% of Americans—including more than three-quarters of Republicans—want to see a law like Proposition 12 pass in their states.


Farmers & Producers

Thousands of farmers have voiced their opposition to the Prop 12 "fix", the EATS Act and related legislation. Many have spoken out publicly, and some have appeared in newspapers, television interviews, and advertisements opposing this legislation. Industry leaders have spoken out against the EATS Act, including Niman Ranch, and hundreds of local farmers and producers across the country.


Elected Officials

Elected officials from across the country oppose the Prop 12 "fix" and the EATS Act. Federal and state lawmakers and other state officials have publicly stated their opposition to this congressional overreach, including:

  • 30 members of the U.S. Senate who signed a letter opposing the EATS Act in August 2023.
  • 193 members of the U.S. House of Representatives who signed letters opposing the EATS Act such as this letter in August 2023.
  • Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller who penned an opinion piece in The Hill in February 2024.
  • Attorneys General from 16 states who signed a letter in September 2023.
  • 12 members of the Minnesota State Senate who signed a letter in December 2023.


Legal Professionals

Attorneys and legal professionals understand the fundamental attack on federalism housed within the Prop 12 "fix" and the EATS Act. Many of them have voiced their concern about this dangerous legislation, including:

  • Scott Ballenger, who published an opinion piece calling the EATS Act ‘a radical assault on federalism principles.
  • 30 law professors who drafted a letter highlighting the flaws with the proposed legislation in November 2023.
  • Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
  • Conservation Law Center (IN)
  • Conservation Law Foundation (New England)
  • Corporate Accountability Lab
  • Environmental Law & Policy Center (Midwest)
  • Harvard Animal Law & Policy Program
  • Kentucky Equal Justice Center
  • Western Environmental Law Center

Veterinary Community

In 2023, the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association collected signatures from 78 veterinary students, and 577 veterinary professionals who oppose the EATS Act. Among their concerns, the veterinary community highlighted the legislation's risk of negating many other animal-related laws, including those protecting wildlife and dogs in cruel puppy mills.

Click here to view the full list of organizations and individuals who oppose the EATS Act.