A Great Tragedy for Great Apes

The HSUS released the results of its latest undercover
investigation yesterday, and ABC’s
broke the story of what it’s like behind closed doors at one of
the nation’s largest primate labs. A brave HSUS investigator spent nine months
at the New Iberia Research Center outside of Lafayette, La., which confines
more than 300 chimpanzees and about 6,000 monkeys for research. 

Congressmen, Canines Honored on the Hill

I previously told you the
heartwarming stories
of Reps. Paul Hodes (D-N.H.) and Walter Jones (R-N.C.)
helping military families remember their loved ones by bringing back dogs from
Iraq. At a touching ceremony last night on Capitol Hill, The Humane Society of
the United States honored Hodes and Jones for their work in assisting the
grieving families of Army Spc. Justin Rollins and Marine Cpl. Dustin Jerome Lee

Be the Change You Seek for Animals

If you are a reader of this blog, or a subscriber to the
HSUS or HSLF email lists, you are already someone who takes action on urgent
animal protection issues. But if you want to get even more involved, there’s no
substitute for joining your fellow animal advocates in person to celebrate the
victories and work together to confront the challenges ahead.