Took pro-animal position through co-sponsorship
of a bill, a vote, signing a letter, or leading on pro-animal legislation
Led on multiple legislative and/or regulatory
efforts or led on a top priority measure
Took anti-animal position on a vote
NVDid not vote due to absence or abstention
NV*Put statement in Congressional Record (and notified HSLF) indicating unavoidable missed
vote but would have voted pro-animal
100+Pro-animal position on 7 scored items in the House or 2 scored items in the Senate plus extra credit for leading on pro-animal issue(s) or signing anti-EATS letter
Member of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus (does
not affect numerical score)
••The top leaders of each party in the House and Senate typically don't co-sponsor bills
and the Speaker of the House doesn’t vote, so they have no numerical scores
#Filled seat during term
##Resigned during term
###Died during term
Note: In some cases, legislators must miss votes for unavoidable personal reasons, such as a death in the family, serious illness, birth of a child or emergency in their state.