By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

We all make decisions every day that impact animals, from the food we eat to the products we purchase to our entertainment choices. Often, the first step toward changing the world for animals is to recognize the importance of our individual decisions. The very next step is becoming savvy about saving animals through systemic reform, learning how to protect the animals in our larger communities.

House Farm Bill’s race to the bottom of the (pork) barrel

House Farm Bill’s race to the bottom of the (pork) barrel

WASHINGTON (May 17, 2024)—Republicans on the U.S. House of Representatives’ Agriculture Committee have released their version of the Farm Bill. It includes language that aims to invalidate California’s Proposition 12, a state law setting landmark prohibitions on the in-state sale of food products from farm animals locked in cruel and extreme confinement. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law as constitutional in May 2023.

The Indiana Humane Scorecard is available for the first time this year, offering a new resource for Indiana voters whose compassion for animals influences which political candidates they support. Holding legislators accountable on animal-welfare issues is critical as we strive to make our voices louder than those who hurt animals for sport or profit.

By uniting behind candidates who understand what is at stake, we can better fight animal cruelty in all forms.

Indiana's 2024 Legislative Session failed dogs and wildlife

Indiana's 2024 Legislative Session failed dogs and wildlife

INDIANAPOLIS,  Ind. (May 14, 2024) – Today, the Humane Society Legislative Fund released its 2024 Indiana Humane Scorecard, which grades state legislators’ actions on threats to animal protection during the 2024 session, when legislation imperiling Indiana’s wildlife and companion animals was passed and later signed into law. The 2024 Indiana Humane Scorecard serves as a tool to commend those who stood firmly against these inhumane bills while also holding legislators who failed to protect animals accountable.

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

Fur production in the U.S. is plummeting, and that’s good news for animals. Every five years, as part of the U.S. Census, the U.S. Department of Agriculture releases data on mink farms in the country. The newly released numbers show that in 2017, 236 mink fur farms existed in the U.S. Five years later, only 110 mink fur farms remained. With the speed of this decline, we believe even more mink farms have closed in the last year.

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block

The Humane Society of the United States' blog recently covered the benefits of reducing the consumption of animal products both for farmed animals and for the climate. But there are many other potential beneficiaries of a revamping of how animals are bred and farmed in various contexts, from ranches to fur farms. Here are some of the wild animals who suffer because of animal agriculture:
