The Doris Day Animal League and the Humane Society Legislative Fund legally merged, effective September 7, 2021.

This merger enables the continuation of Doris Day’s life-long commitment to protecting animals through legislative advocacy and engagement. To learn more about Doris Day and the Doris Day Animal League, please read more in our blog.

The legal merger of the two organizations resulted in the Humane Society Legislative Fund becoming the sole surviving entity, and all estate gifts established for the Doris Day Animal League legally pass to the Humane Society Legislative Fund.

For additional information, questions and/or concerns about the administration of a bequest, please contact:

Humane Society Legislative Fund 
ATTN:  OGC Estate Team 
1255 23rd Street, NW, Suite 455 
Washington, DC  20037 

Doris Day Animal League Tax ID Number: 95-4117651    
Humane Society Legislative Fund Tax ID Number: 59-3786428